Heera Aseel Price in Pakistan: The Best Local All-Purpose Breed

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  • About Heera Aseel:
    Heera Aseel is a popular native breed in Pakistan, highly regarded for its strength, agility, and use in both gamefowl and meat production. Known for its hardiness, it thrives in local conditions, making it a versatile option for farmers.
    • History of Heera Aseel
    • Physical Characteristics of Heera Aseel
  • Why So Popular & Unique Value:
    Its dual-purpose utility for game and farming, plus its natural hardiness, makes Heera Aseel a prized breed in local farming and markets.

Egg Price: 100-150 PKR per egg
Chick Price: 500-700 PKR per chick
Breeder Price: 2000-5000 PKR per breeder
Market Availability: Easily available across Pakistan, especially in rural markets.

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